Pokemon element chart weakness
Pokemon element chart weakness

If you have a water type Pokémon on your team, and use a water type attack, it will do 1.2x as much damage as a non-water type Pokémon using the same attack. STAB, or “Same Type Attack Bonus,” is a boost your attacks get when the damage type of the attack matches the type of the Pokémon.

pokemon element chart weakness

One of the benefits to the Silph Road cups early on is that you have to learn far fewer weaknesses and resistances because of the limited typings included! Many of them make sense if you think about them: Fire is weak to water, but strong against ice electric is strong against water, but weak against ground.

pokemon element chart weakness pokemon element chart weakness

If a Pokémon has two types, it can have DOUBLE weakness and resistance, so watch out for those counters! It can be a lot to remember, but keep a type chart handy and you’ll do fine. In common terms, the grass-type will “resist” your attack, while the ground-type is “weak” to your attacks. But that same Water Pokémon will deal Not Very Effective (0.6x) damage to a grass-type Pokémon and take Super Effective Damage (1.6x) in return. A water-type attack will do Super Effective Damage (1.6x) to a ground-type Pokémon and only receive neutral (1x) damage in return. Super Effective Damage and Not Very Effective Damage refer to how much damage your Pokémon will take and dish out based on the type of attack used. Now that you can purchase a second move with stardust and candy, you have the ability to make your Pokémon even more versatile and powerful! If you have two options, your opponent might play something that will resist one move and take reduced damage, but perhaps not the second move! There are a few things to keep in mind when picking which charge moves to use: Hitting your opponent with charge moves is going to be a big part of your path to victory. There are a ton of great videos out there! Second charge moves? Check in on The Silph Arena Reddit from time to time to see what experts think about the developing meta, and check out your favorite Pokémon Go content creators on YouTube for videos whenever a new cup is announced.

#Pokemon element chart weakness how to

Because they are the strongest in that cup, you should expect to see all three, and you should know how to beat them. For instance: think of it like Rock, Paper, Scissors where the Rock is Skarmory, the Paper is Lanturn, and the Scissors are Venusaur. All good teams must be able to both function within, and overcome The Meta. In Pokémon Go, when people talk about The Meta, they are talking about the strongest Pokémon in that specific cup that will shape the way everyone plays the Pokémon you will not only want to bring, but also be able to defeat with your team. The Meta is short for “the metagame,” and refers to the game outside and beyond the game.

pokemon element chart weakness

There are a few things you will need to consider when selecting the six Pokémon you bring to battle, starting with knowing the meta for the tournament you’re about to participate in! What is “The Meta”? You will only battle with three at a time, but you will bring a team of six so that you can use different group compositions to counter their three. As we discussed in the first article of this series, the most important thing you can do to prepare for a tournament is to build and practice with your team beforehand.

Pokemon element chart weakness